Most everyone seems to be soliciting God's favour. It is of course a normal thing to do for those among us who do believe in God. Problem is, my opponent is asking for favours from Him at about the same time that I am. What's more, even in confrontational situations such as war, or a murder trial, both parties seek help from the same entity. Does God's help then go to the one who eventually wins? And does that mean God isn't on the side of the loser?
This request for favours goes up by way of prayer. Within the Christian faith, prayer has been defined as "Talking to God," or as
the act of attempting to verbally communicate with the supernatural. It is found in almost all the religions of the world. It is sometimes communal, as during a church service; it is sometimes done in private. Its purpose within Christianity is to assess the will of God for one's life, to praise God, to give thanks to God, to repent of sinful behavior, to ask forgiveness, to seek a favor from God, and (occasionally) to ask God to curse an opponent. [Source]
"Assessing the will of God," the same source informs us, is described in Psalms 86:6-7: "Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I will call upon you: for you will answer me." The other characteristics of prayer, from praising God to asking God to curse the enemy, are clear enough not to be belaboured.
The questions remain, however -- questions whose answers seem even farther away when one ponders the multitude of religions. When President George W. Bush, a well-known born-again Christian, kneels down at bedtime to ask for favours concerning the capture of Osama bin Laden, and the latter, a well-known Islamic Fundamentalist, does likewise to ask for something against the former, what happens? And is that what some label "the clash of civilisations/religions"?
One of the things that get me is how most who think God is on their side don't listen to Her. By right, prayer should be a two-way street. You ask, you praise, you acknowledge, BUT you also listen, intently. Our friends, however, know what their God requires of them, know who their God likes, dislikes, will help, will dump, and so on. So in prayer they're really just mumbling meaningless and memorised sayings of the sort, "Shower them with your love." But in all honesty they aren't listening.
If there's a God out there or up there, He is probably not on the side of rich folks who sit on poor folks. He's probably unhappy at folks who kill others in his name. He's probably wagging his finger at those who go against the grain of goodness that is inherent in human beings. What grain of goodness? I don't know and I can't be sure of it's existence except where it relates to my own consciousness. Wagging what finger? Again that's what I think God would do, if God existed. But I'm careful not to impose that on you. My own prayer is that we should all strive not to impose our consciousness on others, because I believe that if we succeed, we will have made a giant step toward living together peacefully. There are so many religions and beliefs that if all of us strive instead to impose ourselves on others, then as a race it is a sure thing tha we will never, ever stop fighting amongst ourselves.