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I think at times, there is a thin line between what constitute flagrant human right abuse and plain stupidity.

The demolition is Abuja is to me is justified give that the demolished buildings were illegal structures or did not meet the city code standard.

The case in Lagos is more difficult ti interpret. Those evicted were residents in government-owned buildings that were later sold several months ago. The tenants were given amble time to move out, but they didn’t. The courts have not clearly ruled to favor any of their demands.

What is the government to do?

Yes, a social responsible government should provide affordable accommodation for the vunerable members of the society. Those affected by the evictions do not fall under that classification. Those affected in Abuja acquired their land through questionable means. The case in Lagos is simply a demonstration of forces of capitalism at work.

How does these constitute human rights violation, because the police came in the middle of the night?

The western world often use the Eminent Domain, and strictly enforce real estate/building laws, standards and codes. Are these Human rights violations?


I see your point but I think it's a rather difficult dilemma. Understandably government's need to improve cities, but when it comes to the genuinely poor, shouldn't they provide alternative housing?

This issue is an ongoing debate in South Africa where many people have been evicted at short notice without being given alternative housing - our govt has a Constitutional obligation to provide housing to the poor.

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