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James Clark

I suspect that it would follow similar logic to "white groups" in the US. Why, exactly, does the majority racial group need to form exclusive organizations based on colour?

Of course, since whites aren't an historically persecuted minority here, there really isn't any need for white clubs either.

The fact is that groups defined by racial requirements kind of beg the question... why?

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that South Africa prohibits expression of racism and the US does not.


"Since whites aren't an historically persecuted minority here, there really isn't any need for white clubs."
Agreed. A minority status isn't reason enough to have a colour-based club.

"It is important to remember that South Africa prohibits expression of racism and the US does not."
I need clarification on this one. The US really doesn't? Or is such expression merely tolerated, although illegal?

Walton Pantland

How do White South Africans feel about Black groups?
Most probably take the simplistic view that it's 'reverse racism', designed to exclude white people from the growing new elite.
Personally, as a White person I would like to be able to join Black clubs, and there is historical precident for this, with both the PAC and the Black Consciousness union federation Nactu accepting White members. White people can also be shop stewards in Nactu unions.
I feel that Mzansi is an African country and White people need to embrace that. If I joined a Black club or organisation, it wold be to demonstrate that the future is Black, though people of all races have a role to play.
As such I feel more comfortable with the BC tradition than the Alliance one.

James Clark

"I need clarification on this one. The US really doesn't? Or is such expression merely tolerated, although illegal?"


Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the constitution of the United States. You can't discriminate against someone by race for things like employment, but you can preach as much racial hate speech as you want without getting into any trouble.

It is usually more legal than it is tolerated.

@Walton Pantland

I think the definition of a "Black Club" here is one which is defined by an exclusively black, "net swartes," membership that is more or less enforced. Neither the PAC nor NACTU would fit this definition. Aside from one being a political party and the other a trade union, they're much more of an African nationalist sort of thing than a racial thing.

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